Wednesday, September 25, 2013

On to year #2.....

On to year #2.....

It’s hard to believe a year has gone since I announced via blog to friends that I was kicking off my own personal development company. I remember there being so many emotions and insecurities at the time because of what I had been through the previous year in my personal life. I am amazed how things change and how fast they change.

I have had the privilege to share what I learned with so many fantastic people over the last year. I struggled at the beginning thinking that I couldn’t possibly have the credibility to be a coach, writer or speaker. What I didn’t realize was how many people gave me credibility because of what I had experienced and conquered. Though I have much bigger plans and goals for I.S. and my coaching practice I can say I am happy with the progress in year Number 1.

Do Coaches perform weddings?
I have coached the heart broken, business owners, goal chasers, entrepreneurs, other coaches, and average Joe’s that just wanted to find purpose and live a more complete (Whole) life. I’ve been able to share philosophies and life lessons with thousands of people across the planet via blogs and videos. It’s been amazing to see the clients recover from heartbreak, reorganize businesses, move forward after loss and generally move closer to their ideal lives. 

I am truly humbled to have been a part of these victories.
For those who know me and even those who don’t but have read the various blogs and posts all over the internet you know the steps and challenges that took me from depressed and hopeless to a better place filled with hope,  determination and some of my happiest moments ever.

 I am a blessed man because of the people that invested their time and energy into helping me to get in position to chase my dreams. 

A New Look!
I shared with a young lady recently my story for the sole purpose of pointing out how fast things change and get better if we want it bad enough. We have more control than we think when we simply chose what to spend our energy on. What to spend time thinking about and simply by shifting focus to ideas that set us up to win and gain ground on our goals and dreams. Choice is powerful when we take responsibility for own happiness. Choice is powerful when we take responsibility for achieving our goals and dreams.

I am very excited for this next year and the Vision/Goals for Infinite Strides. Buckle up and be ready for blogs and video blogs that will shake up and challenge you.

Coming soon “Ok, What now? (A Practical Guide to Acceptance and Moving Forward)
 My ebook and workbook that promises to kick the crap out of divorce and break up blues.
Stay tuned……..


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